I specialize in relationship dynamics. I can say this because I not only teach it, but I have experience. Some say that you can learn from anyone. Some teach you what to do, others teach you what not to do. I have been on both. Today, I try to learn more about myself and my relationship and show others how to get what I have. I have a relationship that rocks!

It wasn’t always that way!

If someone were to tell you that taking a freezing cold shower would benefit you, what would your reaction be?

Very likely, it would be “No thanks, my insides quiver just thinking about it!” One of my mentors told me that I had to learn to face the flinch. I started experimenting with cold showers.

It’s these intense and unexpected situations that I enthusiastically jump right into. If someone were to tell you that taking a freezing cold shower would benefit you, what would your reaction be?

Because I’ve been through hell and back, I don’t flinch when couples come to me with the crisis of an affair, eruptive fighting, or the paralysis of isolation inside their relationship.

After the honeymoon period was over, my partner and I went through years of scrapping, so believe me when I say “I know what you’re going through.”

There’s a Japanese practice of using liquid gold to fill in the cracks of broken pottery. Kintsugi, as it’s called, teaches that broken objects are not something to hide but to display
with pride.

Many therapists or coaches might be ashamed to admit their troubled years, but I’m proud to say that facing years of conflict in my relationship has given me a 360° perspective on
what it’s like to screw up, own up to it… and then stick with it until the relationship is strong and vibrant.

This is why I’m so excited to work with couples. I believe that your life and your relationship, can become even more refined thanks to its scars.

You’ll know we’re a good fit to work together if you…

  • Feel like you’re losing your mind in your relationship
  • Have trouble sitting with your feelings of hopelessness
  • Have a fear of abandonment
  • Are tired of the same old stuff, and desperate for a change
  • Struggle with shame and insecurity
  • Are highly motivated to start living your life in a different way

We’ll work with your experiences as an athlete where you have confidence to help you and your partner reconnect, to soothe the recurring fights, and to recognize the good in one another again.

When I was struggling, I wish someone had said to me, “Hey, I can help you.” But no one ever did.

And now it is my greatest honor to offer myself as a beacon of hope, no matter how much it feels like you’re “in the pit.